Monday, October 13, 2008

We are STUPID!!

Did you know how stupid you really are?

Obama states that he will cut taxes for “95% of all Americans” while giving every American (and probably those immigrants that have not been given amnesty by him or McCain yet) health care, and affordable mortgages… is this even possible? Of course it is stupid, don’t question just follow! After all he will be our first African American Presid… Oh no he wont, that slot was filled by Mr. William Jefferson Clinton… wasn’t it?

McCain on the other hand claims that he can stabilize the economy by propping up banks and wall street, give every American ( is this just tax filing Americans? Tax filing households? Or every American?) A $5,000.00 tax credit to spend on health care. While giving business tax credits in the Billions.

Let’s examine why I am SO STUPID as to not believe anything either of them are saying.

This is the latest table available by the congressional budget office of the United States.

How is this possible? The United States of America not only has determined that the lowest 40% (Quintile = 20%) of Americans don’t pay taxes, but they have a negative tax rate… now keep in mind that according to the campaigns of our current political system I am stupid, but that sounds to me as though we who pay taxes are giving actual money to the lower 40% of income earners… could this be possible? And if it is possible, how is Obama going to give a “tax cut” to 95% of Americans? OHHH, shoot I see, some of the fuzzy math they spoke so much about when Busch was running.
The top 60% of income earners pay 6% of their taxes to give it directly to someone in the bottom 20% and another 1.1% to the second Quintile? Is this American? Can we justify stealing at the point of a gun from one to give to another?

Look at 2004, the height of Bush’s “irresponsible tax cuts for the rich”. The tax as a percentage of income went up for the top Quintile, form 25% to 25.1%. Also take a look at the average income for each Quintile, The average pre-tax income for the top quintile in 2004 is $207,000.00 a year… is this rich? And even if you consider this “rich” is it fair that they should work hard to then have the government penalizes them for it? I would urge you to answer that question as if you earned $207K a year. Obama talks about being fair… is this fair? Do the math, the top 20% of income earners in this country shoulder 65.8% of the federal tax burden. These are not Republican or Democrat numbers, they are from the CBO.

Now both candidates for President of the United States claim they will fix the economy, shore up the banks and Wall Street, all while giving either tax cuts to the “rich” or “middle class”. How will they pay for all of these things? Obama wants to spend over 1 Trillion dollars in additional programs! Were will all of this money come from? Who will pay this bill?

The national debt is over 10 Trillion dollars as of this article. We increase that debt, as of this article, by over 3 Billion dollars per day. With that said, even if we were not in Iraq spending some 10 Billion a month, our debt would be increasing. This deficit is made up for by the selling of bonds and treasury bills to the American people. What is backing these treasury bills and bonds? Nothing!!
What our government is doing is the same thing Americans did that got us in this mess, they spent more than they had, borrowed money to span the gap and continued to spend. Sound fiscal practice!

People what I am saying is, don’t buy the goods that either of these candidates is selling! First off, according to the Constitution (a long lost document, I agree) the president of the United States has no authority to make law. Second, if the president has the persuasion to convince congress to pass these bills, were will the money come from?

A very dear person to me, my mother, told me today that in my last paper I was not very intelligent in my assessment of what your actions should be. I.E. voting for your mom, or sister instead of one of these clowns. So here is my suggestion: Do vote for a candidate but not for the one with an R or a D by their names. Wasted vote? I don’t think so! Ask your friends if they like either candidate, if they say yes… find better friends. Most will say no. do you think we can change the system by continuing to send the same people to the hill? What would the reaction be by either party if their base abandoned them? Do you think they would change their stance? I do! Vote for Nader, Barr, or Baldwin, will they win? Hell no they won’t win, but what a message… and if they did win, much better choice than McCain or Obama!

All I ask is that you THINK!

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